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Source-Code Analysis

Source Code Review

Protect your code from the latest cyber
security risks

We Can Help You In

  • Secure your code
  • Find and track vulnerabilities
  • Help you in fixing the vulnerability
  • Help you in standard and regulatory compliance
Web Application Penetration Testing

What Is Source Code Review ?

Source Code Review is a thorough and systematic examination of the programming code that constitutes an application or software. It involves expertly examining the underlying code of a program or application to find any security flaws, bugs, or areas that could be improved. This process helps ensure the software is robust, secure, and performs well, making it less vulnerable to potential cyber threats and providing a higher quality end product for users.

At Cybersek, we provide professional Source Code Review in India and the USA, helping you stay ahead of risks and maintain a strong security posture.

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What Are Common Source Code Vulnerabilities ?

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When it comes to source code vulnerabilities, ensuring their security is crucial. Source code review helps identify and address potential weaknesses, ensuring the integrity and protection of your app.

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Source Code Review - What We Provide

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At Cybersek, our source code analysis methodology combines automated scanning tools with manual review by experienced security professionals to comprehensively assess the security posture of software applications. Our process begins with automated static code analysis, where we use state-of-the-art tools to scan source code files for known vulnerabilities, coding errors, and security weaknesses. This initial scan provides a broad overview of potential issues within the codebase. Subsequently, our team of security experts conducts manual code reviews to identify complex vulnerabilities, design flaws, and logic errors that may evade automated detection.

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FAQ about Source-Code Analysis

Source code analysis, also known as static code analysis, is the process of examining source code to identify security vulnerabilities, coding errors, and compliance issues. It's essential for security as it helps detect and remediate potential security risks early in the software development lifecycle, reducing the likelihood of exploitation by attackers.

Source code analysis focuses on examining the codebase itself for security vulnerabilities, whereas other security testing methods, such as dynamic application security testing (DAST), involve testing the running application for vulnerabilities. Source code analysis allows for deeper inspection of the code and can identify issues that may not be apparent during runtime.

Source code analysis can detect various security vulnerabilities, including injection attacks (such as SQL injection and XSS), insecure authentication mechanisms, access control issues, cryptographic weaknesses, and more. It can also uncover coding errors and best practice violations that may impact the security of the application.

Source code analysis should be performed regularly throughout the software development lifecycle, ideally during each development iteration or after significant code changes. Regular analysis helps ensure that security vulnerabilities and coding errors are identified and addressed promptly, reducing the risk of security breaches.

Yes, there are numerous automated tools available for source code analysis, ranging from open-source solutions to commercial products. These tools use static analysis techniques to scan source code files for vulnerabilities and coding errors. However, manual review by experienced security professionals is often necessary to complement automated tools and identify complex issues.

Source code analysis can help organizations improve compliance with security standards and regulations, such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, and others, by identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities and coding errors that may impact compliance requirements. By proactively addressing these issues, organizations can demonstrate due diligence in securing their applications and protecting sensitive data.